Medical incinerator primary combustion cost

Incinerator with pertinent control, easy to operate and self explanatory.
Components to be pre-assembled, pre-piped, pre-wired & analyzed before Transfer / Export.

Within the framework of an environmental and medical gear & technology consultation and joint purchasing, this

Procurement Bureau invites applicants for pre-qualification from the aim of primarily selecting capable companies to bid

for the above tender.
– Burning Rate approx. 50kg/Hour –

Incinerators to be very effective, fuel efficient using high / low ability burn rates

Our normal activities generates 2-5 tons of assorted waste materials daily which range from condemned carcasses, and medical incineration main combustion price

additional wastes all which have to be incinerated at over 800Centigrade quantified flue exhaust gas.To be used by small

hospitals and hospitals to securely dispose of infectious and pathological wastes.

Load Ability in the range of up to 200 kg
The distribution will include the exceptional gear for successful waste management as stated above for a new personal

environment contract management firm with planned operations 2013 in Indonesia and Thailand, and 2014 in West & East

Malaysia to execute those professional services in order to comply with the government security disposal demands

for hospital and medical, clinical waste from the area and to meet with the higher technical standard in this particular

field.small incinerations with filter (with minimum minimal pollution) for burning/combusting 5kg/hr, 10kg/hr, 15 kg/hr,

20kg/hr, 25kg/hr to 50kg/hr and 300kg/hr of SOLID ORGANIC DRY AND WET NON-HAZARDUOUS of any type (including hospital

wastes) daily or per hour. If it be without a smoke, no fumes, no odour (odor ), no dust, no emission of solid

particles and with least minimum pollution (within national and global standards). Must be environmentally

healthy and acceptable with global standards. Should not be with water scrubbers. Ash contents after trimming

ought to be 3-4%.

should be 3-4%.


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