small capacity incinerators

11    Housekeeping    The website where the incineration is constructed needs to:

1.     Have running water.
A solid particulate meter/recorder
Barium                                        Ba
All pollutant concentrations must be extracted at Oo C and 1.013 x 10 5 N/m2, dry gas and 11% oxygen correction.

Oxygen correction is computed as:

Es =     21 — Os    x EM
Hydrochloric                                HCL

1    Fundamental Plant Design    An approved plant has to have four different sections that show three fundamentals of Turbulence, Residence Time and Temperature are inbuilt in the plant design .The regulated segments may include but not limited to:

Overall plant layout.
Wout = mass emission rate of POHC in the stack before the discharge to the air. The typical dioxin and furan concentration at the emissions shouldn’t exceed 80ng/m3 total dioxins and furans if quantified for a period of 6 to 16 hours.

6.     Verify the gas temperature as measured against the inner wall at the secondary chamber & not at the fire zone, is less than 1100oC. Verify the oxygen content of the emitted gases is less than 11 percent.
Tin                                               Sn
8.     Ensure both main and the combustion temperatures have been preserved until all waste was fully combusted

5    Particulate Removers    An mechanical particulate collector has to be incorporated after secondary combustion chamber for removal of particulate pollutants entrained in the flue gas flow. The particulate collectors can include any of the following or some combination thereof:

Cyclone separator
2.     If the minimal combustion temperatures are not maintained.
2.     Be equipped with a burner/s burning gas/fuel or very low sulphur liquid fuels. Other combustion methods will be judged on merits. Ensure primary air supply is controlled economically
5.     All the emission to the air aside from steam or water vapour has to be odourless and free of mist, fume and droplets. The Authority will require the certificate holder have tests carried out by an accredited institution to ascertain pile and/or ground level concentrations of these substances.

Cadmium and compounds since Cd
6    Chimney / Stack    1.     The chimney should have a minimum height of 10 meters above ground level and also clear the maximum point of the building by not less than 3 meters for many roofs. The topography and height of adjoining buildings within 50 meters squared should be taken into account. If possible the chimney should be visible to the operator in the feeding area.
Cobalt                                         Co
Silver                                          Ag
4.     Ensure minimal exit temperature Isn’t less than 850oC

4    Secondary Combustion Chamber (Afterburner).     The secondary combustion chamber needs to:

1.     Be approved as secondary combustion zone.
A carbon monoxide and/or oxygen meter/recorder
Fabric filters
2.     Have a good floor.
5.     Ensure residence time isn’t less than two (two ) seconds.
Thallium                                     Tl

Chromium                                  Cr
Two Feeding And Charging    Controlled hygienic, mechanical or automated feeding methods need to be used which won’t affect the air temperature in the main and secondary chambers of the incineration negatively.

No waste is to be fed into the incineration:

1.     Until the minimal temperatures are reached.
Copper                                        Cu
3.     The addition of dilution air after combustion in order to achieve the requirement of these guidelines is unacceptable.

4.     The minimum exit velocity must be 10 m/s and at least two times the encompassing wind speed (Efflux velocity = end speed x 2) whichever is higher to ensure down no washing of leaving gases. Point for the measurement of emissions shall be offered.

7    Instrumentation    Instrument for discovering the interior wall temperature rather than burner flame temperature has to be offered for both the primary and secondary chambers. An audible and visible alarm has to be set up to warn the operator once the secondary temperature drops to below the specified temperature. Besides the above these instruments may also be required.
3.     Whenever the preceding fee hasn’t been fully combusted in the case of batch feeding.

4.     Until such time as the addition of more waste won’t cause the design parameters of this incineration to be exceeded.

3    Main Combustion Chamber    The main combustion chamber needs to:

1.     Be approved as the main combustion zone.
Any other device or measurement that may be considered necessary

8    Location / Siting    1.     Must be sited in accordance with the relevant local municipal authority planning scheme, the topography of the Region and be compatible with premises in the area,

2.     Have to be placed in a suitably ventilated area.

9    Emission Limitations 1.     Combustion efficiency:

Combustion efficiency (CE) will be 99.00%
% CO2 + CO

2.     The warmth of the Principal chamber shall be 800 ± 50o C

3.     The secondary chamber  gas residence time shall be 1 (one) minute at 1050 ± 50o C, with 3% Oxygen in the stack gas.

4    Opacity of this smoke must not exceed 20% Viewed from 50 meters with naked eyes
4.     Make sure fire contact with all gases is achieved.
Nickel                                           Ni
Where: Win = bulk feed rate of the POHC in the waste stream fed to incineration, and
Hydrofluoric acid                         HF

Os    = Regular oxygen concentration
Electrostatic precipitators
Feed chamber/ charging
2.     Be fitted with secondary burner/s burning gas or very low sulphur liquid gas or some other suitable gas. Ensure secondary air supply is controlled economically.
Secondary Combustion Chamber.
Arsenic                                       As
Acid Gas Scrubbers
4.     The incineration must not be overcharged.
2.      Staff must be provided with proper protective equipment like, gas mask, aprons, gumboots, helmets, gloves, goggles.

3.      Caution and Warning signs must be provided.
3.     Have lighting if 24hrs operation
A smoke density meter/recorder
Antimony                                    Sb
The Combustion efficiency is computed as follows;

C.E=             % CO2           x 100
4.      Fire fighting equipment must be provided
4.     Have fly ash containerization and storage prior to disposal. Staff managing waste needs to be well trained on safe handling of toxic wastes
OM    = measured oxygen concentration

10    Operation    1.     Materials destined for incineration must be of known origin and makeup and must be only incinerated at a furnace that is registered for the particular type of waste. An inventory must be kept of the quantity, kind and origin of the waste to be incinerated.
21 – OM

Where:    Es    = Calculated emission concentration in the Normal percentage oxygen concentration
Beryllium                                    Be
3.     The incineration has to be preheated to working temperature prior to charging any waste.
Manganese                                  Mn

7.    A 99.99% destruction and removal efficiency (DRE) for each principal organic hazardous constituent (POHC) in the waste feed where:

DRE = [(Win – Wout)/Win]*100
Where: Win = mass feed rate of the POHC in the waste stream fed to incineration, and
Wout = mass emission rate of POHC in the stack prior to the release to the atmosphere.

8.    The average dioxin and furan concentration in the emissions should not exceed 80ng/m3 total dioxins and furans if measured for a period of 6 to 16 hours.

All pollutant concentrations must be expressed at Oo C and 1.013 x 10 5 N/m2, dry gas and 11% oxygen correction.

Oxygen correction is computed as:

Es =     21 – Os    x EM
21 – OM

Where:    Es    = Calculated emission concentration at the standard percentage oxygen concentration
EM    = Measured emission concentration
Os    = Standard oxygen concentration
OM    = measured oxygen concentration

10    Operation    1.    Materials destined for incineration should be of known origin and composition and must be only incinerated in a furnace that is registered for the particular type of waste.

2.    A record must be kept of the quantity, type and origin of the waste to be incinerated.
3.    The incineration must be preheated to working temperature before charging any waste.
4.    The incineration must not be overcharged.
5.    The incineration must be in good working order at all times and must not be used if any component fails. Any malfunction should be recorded in a log book and reported to the relevant authority.

6.    The incineration operator and all relevant staff must be trained to the satisfaction of the relevant control authority.

11    Housekeeping    The site where the incineration is built must:

1.    Have running water.
2.    Have a solid floor.
3.     Have lighting if 24hrs operation
4.    Have fly ash containerization and storage before disposal.

12    Health & Safety (Protective Gear)    1.    Staff handling waste must be well trained on safe handling of hazardous wastes
2.     Staff must be provided with appropriate  protective gear such as, gas mask, aprons, gumboots, helmets, gloves, goggles.

3.     Caution and Warning signs must be provided.
4.     Fire fighting equipment must be provided
5.     There should be no smoking or eating on the site.


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